
Premium Tesla electric vehicle for residents to drive

As part of Bolton Clarke’s commitment to delivering future driven, sustainable features, Europa on Alma is the first retirement community to sign with Ohmie GO to provide an electric vehicle for residents.

The Tesla 3SR+ will be housed in the basement and is to be shared and used exclusively by residents. The car can be easily booked through the Ohmie GO app on residents’ smart phones or iPads, or via the Concierge.

The option offers a premium electric vehicle for those residents who may want to make the change from being a two-car family, or who don’t want the hassle of maintaining a vehicle with registrations. The Ohmie GO solution will give residents a sustainable and economical alternative to traditional vehicle ownership.

In line with international trends, electric vehicles are growing in popularity – particularly in city areas. And when more residents choose to take up an electric vehicle, Europa on Alma will be ready to meet their needs with charging bays in the basement car park.